If you follow the directions we suggest below, you will travel approximately 1 mile on gravel road. Phelps County is pretty good about keeping the road maintained. If we feel it is necessary to inform you of any issues with the road, we will email or text you.
17782 CO RD 5310 Rolla, Mo. 65401
Abbreviated directions: (scroll down for more detailed directions)
Use Google Maps to get you to Rolla, Missouri.
From I-44 take the 184 Exit in Rolla. Once in Rolla, place the Haven Hollow address into Google and proceed south on Hwy 63.
Google will likely tell you to turn left on County Road (CR) 5240. It is best if you continue south past CR 5240 and turn left on CR 5300 (sometimes also called McKimmey Dr. on GPS). Please keep in mind that the speed limit is 35mph on County Roads. Please do not exceed the speed limit. Going slower is okay.
17782 CO RD 5310 Rolla, Mo. 65401
Abbreviated directions: (scroll down for more detailed directions)
Use Google Maps to get you to Rolla, Missouri.
From I-44 take the 184 Exit in Rolla. Once in Rolla, place the Haven Hollow address into Google and proceed south on Hwy 63.
Google will likely tell you to turn left on County Road (CR) 5240. It is best if you continue south past CR 5240 and turn left on CR 5300 (sometimes also called McKimmey Dr. on GPS). Please keep in mind that the speed limit is 35mph on County Roads. Please do not exceed the speed limit. Going slower is okay.
Using the address on Google Maps may take you to the intersection of CR 5240 and CR 5310. That is not the correct location. Haven Hollow is south of the intersection.
Please use directions below.
Please use directions below.
17782 County Road 5310
Rolla, Mo. 65401
Rolla, Mo. 65401
I-44 East: (traveling East bound)
Exit 184
Exit round-about second exit, Kingshighway to 72 South
Right on 63 South
Travel 63 South approximately 8.2 miles
During the 8.2 miles:
- Cross Beaver Creek
- Travel up hill with passing lane
- Pass the Stop-n-Go on the right at CR 7240
- Look for the next main road on the left
- There will be three driveways on left before County Road 5300
**You will not go up the next hill (if you do, you have gone too far)**
Left on County Road 5300
Travel 5300 for 1.2 miles
Approximately halfway, 5300 will turn from chip seal to gravel
Watch for narrow low water bridge, stay in middle of road
Follow 5300 to the end
Left on County Road 5310
Cross low water bridge
Go up hill
Haven Hollow will be on the RIGHT just before the top of the hill
Exit 184
Exit round-about second exit, Kingshighway to 72 South
Right on 63 South
Travel 63 South approximately 8.2 miles
During the 8.2 miles:
- Cross Beaver Creek
- Travel up hill with passing lane
- Pass the Stop-n-Go on the right at CR 7240
- Look for the next main road on the left
- There will be three driveways on left before County Road 5300
**You will not go up the next hill (if you do, you have gone too far)**
Left on County Road 5300
Travel 5300 for 1.2 miles
Approximately halfway, 5300 will turn from chip seal to gravel
Watch for narrow low water bridge, stay in middle of road
Follow 5300 to the end
Left on County Road 5310
Cross low water bridge
Go up hill
Haven Hollow will be on the RIGHT just before the top of the hill
I-44 West: (traveling West bound)
Exit 184
Exit round-about fourth exit
Cross over freeway
Exit round-about second exit, Kingshighway to 72 South
Right on 63 South
Travel 63 South approximately 8.2 miles
During the 8.2 miles:
- Cross Beaver Creek
- Travel up hill with passing lane
- Pass the Stop-n-Go on the right at CR 7240
- Look for the next main road on the left
- There will be three driveways on left before County Road 5300
**You will not go up the next hill (if you do, you have gone too far)**
Left on County Road 5300
Travel 5300 for 1.2 miles
Approximately halfway, 5300 will turn from chip seal to gravel
Watch for narrow low water bridge, stay in middle of road
Follow 5300 to the end
Left on County Road 5310
Cross low water bridge
Go up hill
Haven Hollow will be on the RIGHT just before the top of the hill
Exit 184
Exit round-about fourth exit
Cross over freeway
Exit round-about second exit, Kingshighway to 72 South
Right on 63 South
Travel 63 South approximately 8.2 miles
During the 8.2 miles:
- Cross Beaver Creek
- Travel up hill with passing lane
- Pass the Stop-n-Go on the right at CR 7240
- Look for the next main road on the left
- There will be three driveways on left before County Road 5300
**You will not go up the next hill (if you do, you have gone too far)**
Left on County Road 5300
Travel 5300 for 1.2 miles
Approximately halfway, 5300 will turn from chip seal to gravel
Watch for narrow low water bridge, stay in middle of road
Follow 5300 to the end
Left on County Road 5310
Cross low water bridge
Go up hill
Haven Hollow will be on the RIGHT just before the top of the hill
From Rolla, Missouri and towns North of Rolla:
Travel Hwy 63 South
Travel 63 South approximately 8.2 miles south of Rolla, Mo.
During the 8.2 miles:
- Cross Beaver Creek
- Travel up hill with passing lane
- Pass the Stop-n-Go on the right at CR 7240
- Look for the next main road on the left
- There will be three driveways on left before County Road 5300
**You will not go up the next hill (if you do, you have gone too far)**
Left on County Road 5300
Travel 5300 for 1.2 miles
Approximately halfway, 5300 will turn from chip seal to gravel
Watch for narrow low water bridge, stay in middle of road
Follow 5300 to the end
Left on County Road 5310
Cross low water bridge
Go up hill
Haven Hollow will be on the RIGHT just before the top of the hill
Travel Hwy 63 South
Travel 63 South approximately 8.2 miles south of Rolla, Mo.
During the 8.2 miles:
- Cross Beaver Creek
- Travel up hill with passing lane
- Pass the Stop-n-Go on the right at CR 7240
- Look for the next main road on the left
- There will be three driveways on left before County Road 5300
**You will not go up the next hill (if you do, you have gone too far)**
Left on County Road 5300
Travel 5300 for 1.2 miles
Approximately halfway, 5300 will turn from chip seal to gravel
Watch for narrow low water bridge, stay in middle of road
Follow 5300 to the end
Left on County Road 5310
Cross low water bridge
Go up hill
Haven Hollow will be on the RIGHT just before the top of the hill
From towns South of Rolla, Missouri:
Travel Hwy 63 North
Right onto County Road 5300
Travel 5300 for 1.2 miles
Approximately halfway, 5300 will turn from chip seal to gravel
Watch for narrow low water bridge, stay in middle of road
Follow 5300 to the end
Left on County Road 5310
Cross low water bridge
Go up hill
Haven Hollow will be on the RIGHT just before the top of the hill
Travel Hwy 63 North
Right onto County Road 5300
Travel 5300 for 1.2 miles
Approximately halfway, 5300 will turn from chip seal to gravel
Watch for narrow low water bridge, stay in middle of road
Follow 5300 to the end
Left on County Road 5310
Cross low water bridge
Go up hill
Haven Hollow will be on the RIGHT just before the top of the hill